Stunning Ways To Use Paper Ice Cream Cups Like Never Before!

Putting Paper Ice Cream Cups to vivid unconventional use is picking up trend; because using routine items for their usual purpose can be boring in the long run. Easy to buy and available at very cost effective prices in bulk, these ice cream paper cups can be put to ample party uses and delight your guests with their innovative use!

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Every nook and corner finds ardent ice cream lovers. The joy of enjoying the oodles of yummy scoops is endless. That’s precisely why there are a lot of pains taken in designing Paper Ice Cream Cups, for they are the means through which these yummy desserts are enjoyed!

Ever wondered how these beautiful Paper Ice Cream Cups can be put to different uses? Never thought of using these lovely cups apart from serving ice cream? If that’s the case, read on and find out stunning ways to use Paper Ice Cream Cups like never before!


Create your own ice-cream parlor at parties

Everyone loves to treat guests and family. The entire event of getting together, having a gala time and enjoying food together is one experience in itself. Though the idea of welcoming all for a party or a get-together seems merry making, the worry of how to make it different haunts all. Here is an exciting out of the box secret to make your guests applaud you for your creativity!

Buy or assemble in bulk these ice cream cups. You can choose from a variety of these available online at very convenient prices. Choose your favorite colors, patterns and different sizes. Get big family packs of ice cream flavors to suit the guests according to their age and taste preference. Buy a variety of toppings that you want to go with the ice creams. From jellies and chocolate chips to small diced fresh fruits, whipped cream – you can assemble every topping you can think of.

The day you have the party, decorate a table with a placard reading “Make your own Sundae”. Lay out in different attractive dishes the toppings that you have assembled. Keep all the wonderful paper cups that you have got. You could used patterns like Chevron, Polka Dot Ice Cream Cups or even Stripe Paper ice Cream Cups. In big containers, keep the various ice cream flavors that you have previously purchased and keep a scoop ready for guests to scoop out the ice cream well.




Invite the guests to your Ice cream Parlor and introduce to them the varieties you have kept. As they gaze in delight the pains you have taken, get ready to be showered by compliments for your party idea tricks!

Wrap it up like never before!

Ever wondered using Polka Dot Ice Cream Cups to gift an article? Sounds exciting? Why wouldn’t it? Use some vivid colored ice cream paper cups that you already have. You could also buy them in Bulk if the gifting is to be done during weddings or events like Christmas and Halloween. Use gelatin paper that is available in all sorts of colors. This will serve as the wrapping paper for the gifts. Put your gift articles, preferably small ones, into these ice cream cups, in a way not to damage the shape or the form. Cover each cup with the gelatin or the transparent wrapping sheet and form a chocolate or a cookie shape. Tie a bow and put an attractive gift tag. This innovative gift pack is ready to make you a gifting pro!   

DIY craft using Paper Ice Cream Cups

Make your kids party come alive with some DIY craft. Use these Stripe Paper ice Cream Cups and demonstrate to them ideas about making party hats using these. Be little careful as to how kids handle sharp objects. Bring on a decoration activity using balloons, tassels and paper cups and see kids bringing out the best with these objects.

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